
Last-Minute Shopping Survival Guide

Last-Minute Shopping Survival Guide

Last-Minute Shopping Survival Guide

  • Shopping
  • "Tips and Tricks"
  • Holidays

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Some people have all of their holiday shopping finished in November — and then there's the rest of us. We promise ourselves we won't wait until the last minute to do our holiday shopping, but there we are, still online shopping on December 21st. Try these tips from CreditBox to help find those last-minute gifts.

Start with a List 
No matter when you begin your holiday shopping, start with a list of everyone you're gifting and the amounts you want to spend. This lets you get done quickly without forgetting someone and having to go back to the store.

Pay with Cash 
Speaking of saving money, try shopping with cash instead of your debit or credit cards. Set a specific budget and only take that amount of cash into the store with you. This prevents you from spending too much because you simply won't have it on hand.  

Stick to Online Shopping
If you want to avoid the crowds during the weeks before the holidays, it makes sense to do as much online shopping as you can. You may be worried about shipping dates, but many major retailers provide customers with an estimated arrival date or a last day for shopping if you want to receive the item before Christmas. Even if an item doesn't arrive, you can always print out an order slip and give it to your friend or family member in a card. When the item does arrive, you can take it to them.  

Shop During Extended Hours 
Avoid crowds by shopping for last-minute gifts during off hours. Many retailers stay open later in December. These extended hours are usually less crowded than normal business hours. Christmas Eve is another day when stores are still open, but most people have finished shopping and are at home or traveling.  

Don't Assume Gift Cards Aren't Good Gift Ideas 
Some people feel that gift cards aren't good gift ideas, but this couldn't be further from the truth — especially when you don't have much time. Many stores even offer discounted gift cards around the holiday. For example, you might get a $100 card for $85 at a wholesale club if you buy three of them. Subscription boxes make great gift ideas too — you can literally sign a loved one up minutes before your holiday gathering. 

Stop at Your Local Convenient Store
Keep in mind that your local national convenient store is open on Christmas Eve and may even be open on Christmas Day. It's the perfect place to shop for last-minute gifts. Snacks, bubble bath, toys, lotions, gift cards, gadgets — they have something that everyone will appreciate. 

Don't let your budget keep you from shopping for great gifts this holiday season. Instead, consider Installment Loans from CreditBox. It's fast and easy to apply, and if you're approved, you'll see cash in your account as quickly as the same day! Restrictions may apply. You can even earn extra cash with the CreditBox Refer-A-Friend program. If you have any questions while applying, feel free to call our customer support team at 888.669.4227.
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