
Guide To Getting Healthy On A Budget

Guide To Getting Healthy On A Budget

Guide To Getting Healthy On A Budget

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When you have a tight budget it can be a real challenge to get healthy. If your New Year’s resolution this year is to lose weight you will need to focuses on two crucial aspects. The first is to improve your diet and the second is to workout regularly. CreditBox has come up with a guide to help you cut your waist size while bulking up your wallet.

Plan Your Meals
These days it seems most people have become hyper focused on eating healthy. You hear about all sorts of dietary restrictions such as vegetarians, vegans, to gluten free. Regardless of the label you fall under you can eat healthy on a budget. Whenever it comes to spending money it is important to determine a weekly budget that will go towards purchasing your meals. With your budget set its time to get to your local grocery store and start planning your meals. We recommend creating a grocery list using the app Grocery iQ which alerts you with sale coupons for items on your grocery list. Sticking to your list will go a long way in eating healthy on a tight budget.

Shopping Tips
The market for grocery stores has become very saturated over the past few years. Make sure to be compare pricing when picking your go to grocery store. While stores like Whole Foods have a great selection of organic foods they have higher prices than other mega grocery chains. Regardless of the chain you choose to shop at a good tip that will save you money is to purchase generic brands instead of name brands. Most stores offer a generic replace meant that is often the same quality as the name brands you are used to.

Getting Active
The second component of getting healthy and fulfilling your resolution is to get active. Sure, you could join a gym or hire a personal trainer but that is going to be expensive. There are many fitness alternatives that will cost you little to nothing and deliver similar results. An easy substitute is to utilize your neighborhood sidewalks and go for a run rather than playing to use a treadmill. Another low cost alternative is to build your own at home gym. Purchasing second hand free weights and a yoga mat will make your workout convenient and inexpensive.

Hopefully these health tips help you kick your 2017 resolution in to gear. If your budget is limiting you healthy goals CreditBox can help. CreditBox offer personal loans of up to $4,000 that will fit your lifestyle. Apply online today and you can have your funds as soon as the next day.
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