
Best Apps for Financial Planning

Best Apps for Financial Planning

Best Apps for Financial Planning

  • Bills
  • "Save Money"
  • Educational

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For some, financial planning comes easily; for the majority, it’s a hard thing to wrap our heads around. There are so many factors to consider, including income, bills, savings, and investments, that it can seem impossible to master. With the help of financial planning and savings apps available on your phone or computer, you can take a step toward taking control of your money.

For Monitoring & Planning


Mint is an app created by Intuit that consolidates all of your financial information in a single location. It integrates your bank accounts, credit cards, bills, and investments and tracks your spending to show you exactly where your money is going. You can use this app to understand if you’re spending too much money on things like coffee or eating out and not enough on paying bills. Mint even tracks your credit score and helps you improve it.
Available On: Android, iPhone, iPad, Web

Budget Simple

The BudgetSimple app has a very simple philosophy: to save money, you must spend less than you earn. Obvious, right? And yet – so hard to do sometimes. Combined with its online budget function for desktop, the mobile app allows you to add income and expenses on the go, helping you track your money in real time.
Available on: iPhone, iPad, Android, Web

Level Money

Level Money was created by Capital One as a daily spending guide to help you account for all of life’s expenses. The app analyzes all of your finances and automatically subtracts your scheduled payments and monthly bills from your income. With this app, you’ll always know how much money you can safely spend while still accounting for your mandatory expenses.
Available on: Android, iPhone


Budgt is a simple app designed to help you track your expenses by telling you how much you can spend every day of the month after major expenses are subtracted. This app is great for anyone with a small, set monthly income and simple expenses - for example - a  teenager learning to budget an allowance without having to worry about things like investments or credit cards. The app has a straightforward and intuitive interface to make the process of tracking expenses that much easier.
Available on: iPhone


The Dollarbird app uses a familiar calendar interface to help you understand how you’re spending your money now and forecast how much money you will have in the future if you stay on budget. Dollarbird also has clever, color-coded visuals that help you get an instant, accurate vision of how you are spending your money.
Available on: Android, iPhone

Pocket Expense

Pocket Expense brings every one of your financial assets into one place and then categorizes your spending. This colorful app will alert you whenever you go over your budget in any particular spending category. It also sends you customized bill payment reminders, so you’re sure to never miss a payment again.
Available on: iPhone, iPad


LearnVest has many of the same functionalities of the financial planning apps we’ve already listed, but this app also gives you access to a vast library of helpful articles on saving and planning for your monetary future. LearnVest also lets you choose your top three financial goals from a list that includes things like “Budget Better,” “Retire Well,” and “Buy a House.” Having concrete, achievable goals like this will really inspire you to curb your spending.
Available On: iPhone, Web

For Saving


The Qapital app turns the chore of monitoring funds and saving money into a game. Once you download the app, you can set up rules (for instance, round up every retail purchase by $2.00) based on the ways you already spend your money. These micro-savings are then put away into an account for you to use on a rainy day.
Available on: iPhone, Android


Acorns is a free app that integrates with your bank account and rounds up your purchases to help you save money. Every purchase is rounded up to the nearest dollar, and that money is then invested in stocks at various risk levels (which you choose). You can also set up recurring transfers directly from your bank account to this savings account.
Available on: iPhone

Stash Invest

Stash Invest is much the same as Acorns, but has a much larger library of educational content to help you learn to invest now and make more mature financial decisions later on.
Available on: iPhone, Android
Even if you’re a pro at managing your money, there are always times you need a little extra help for unforeseen circumstances. We’ve got you covered. offers personal loans that fit your lifestyle. Apply online today and you could have your funds as soon as the next day.
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